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The Audio Description Project

What the ADP is Doing

On April 4, 2023, ADP Project Coordinator Tabitha Kenlon published the following information on the ADP Discussion List in response to a series of user posts regarding the lack of audio description for, in particular, older titles, and the question of live voice for AD versus a synthesized one.

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The American Council of the Blind and the Audio Description Project have multiple initiatives that advocate for and provide education about audio description (AD). Below is, first, a summary of a few of our efforts to improve the quality and availability of AD, and second, some ways you can get involved.

What We're Doing


Training/Quality Control:



What You Can Do


Training/Quality Control:



The ADP is also working to assemble an AD Advocacy Toolkit that will provide template letters, brief AD explainers, and success stories to support you as you advocate for audio description at home, in the movie theater, at live theatrical events, at museums, and in school. We'll let you know when it's all set and ready to go.

Thanks again for your enthusiasm. Stay in touch, and keep advocating!

Tabitha Kenlon, PhD
Audio Description Project Coordinator
American Council of the Blind
1703 N Beauregard Street, Suite 420
Alexandria, VA 22311

(T) 202-467-5081