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Amazon Prime Video Audio Described Titles

Jump to Titles. The following programs are AUDIO DESCRIBED IN ENGLISH on Amazon Prime Video (streaming or purchase) in the USA. Jump to titles. This listing is generated by the Audio Description Project based on input directly from Amazon. Feedback on titles may be sent to

LAST TITLE UPDATE:  Nov 26, 2024; count = 6196 titles (not all of which are unique because there are duplicate video choices like 4K or Bonus Features); 1276 of which are FREE for Prime members; and 464 of which are FREE on freevee.  The New date is the date added here during the past week, which will be slightly after Prime Video added it. In 2024, Prime Video has added a net of about 70 titles per month. Additions to this list are posted on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram. See the following links:

  • Title Variations.
    • If nothing or "Theatrical" appears after a movie title, the movie is identical to the one shown in theaters (as opposed to having "Bonus Features" for example.)
    • Since we list each title variation on a separate line (rather than one line with multiple video modes), there are more titles listed here than unique titles available. In these cases, sometimes genres and even ratings may vary based on what Amazon sends us. Note that sometimes the same title is listed twice because it may be available on multiple subscription channels or providers.
  • Ratings: Amazon uses their internal rating system for all titles sent to us, even though online you may find more traditional ratings. If our movie database doesn't have a record of the MPAA or TV rating, we use Amazon's: ALL, 7+, 13+, 16+, 18+, and Not Rated. (16+ and 18+ pretty much translate to R).
  • TTS (Text-To-Speech, or synthesized AD voice): If the AD voicing is known to be provided via a synthesized voice, then TTS is noted.
  • Viewing Options: We indicate which viewing options offer audio description.
    • For example, if a title says only "Buy; Rent", then even if there is a Free with Prime option shown online, you should not expect AD there.
    • The term Channel Subscription means AD is present only if you have purchased a subscription to the specified streaming service (like Paramount+ or MGM+) through Amazon. In some cases, Amazon has created the AD for such titles, and you may not find AD independently on the service.
    • IMPORTANT: If a title is available in more ways than we list (e.g., a Channel Subscription, but we only list Buy/Rent), you will generally NOT see the AD icon on Prime Video, because not all viewing options have AD. Trust our listing.
  • Fee vs. Free:
    • Original Amazon-produced series and some movies are free for Prime members (denoted as Included with Prime here and online). Other titles can generally be rented or purchased, though some are purchase-only (denoted Buy).
    • freevee: Some titles are free to watch (with ads) on Amazon-owned freevee. They are designated Free with freevee and can be watched this way within Prime Video or via an app on an iOS or Android device, a Smart TV, or a media stick or player. freevee is shutting down soon, but titles will continue to be free.
  • Note: In response to user observations that due to the huge size of this file, screen readers didn't function properly, we have collapsed all the alphabetically-divided listings. Clicking on the Expand button under each alphabetic divider will display all the titles beginning with that letter. Click the "Expand All" button to expand all letters at once.

Alphabetized List of Prime Video Titles With AD

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Recent Additions

The following 204 titles were added in this update (which may also contain deletions or corrections).


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