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    September  2016

Dear Young People (ages 7-21), TVIs, classroom teachers,
and Audio Description enthusiasts!



and the


announce the



(formerly the Young Described Film Critic contest)

 A "Listening Is Learning" Initiative


The mission of the American Council of the Blind's (ACB) Audio Description Project (ADP) is to promote and advocate for the use of high-quality Audio Description in television, movies, performing arts, museums, educational materials and other venues where the presentation of visual media is critical to the understanding and appreciation of the content. 

The mission of the DCMP is to promote and provide equal access to communication and learning through described and captioned educational media. The ultimate goal of the DCMP is for accessible media to be an integral tool in the teaching and learning process for all stakeholders in the educational community, including students, educators and other school personnel, parents, service providers, businesses, and agencies. DCMP HAS A COLLECTION OF SOME 6000 DESCRIBED AND CAPTIONED educational media titles available to those students and their teachers who qualify.


Kids love movies!  Movies, videos and other forms of multimedia are, these days, integral to public, private, and special education curriculum.  If you're a young person who can't see or can't see well, audio description provides access to all the visual images of the movies that your sighted peers enjoy.

The Benefits of Audio Description In Education (BADIE) contest wants you to experience media with audio description and then tell us about what you've experienced!  Here's how the process works:

 - Register for the contest on the DCMP website at BADIE CONTEST.

 - You, your classroom teacher or TVI-and perhaps your entire class-will then choose an audio described film from the more than 6000 titles available through DCMP (the film can be downloaded or streamed)  OR  you can borrow an audio described video or film from your talking book library, or your local public library. Dozens of audio described videos are also available through the ADP's website at:

 - Once you've watched the video or film, you have a chance to win prizes for yourself and your teacher AND recognition for your school.   And--a chance to hold the awesome title:  A BADIE award-winner! 

 - All you need to do for a chance to win is to write, type or record your own review of the film or video that you watch.

There are four contestant entry categories:   Sophomore (ages 7 to 10), Junior (ages 11 to 15),  Senior (ages 16 to 21), and Alternate Assessment *.

(* The Alternate Assessment category refers to students whose participation in their general statewide assessment program (testing in Math, Science and Language Arts) is not appropriate, even with accommodations. Alternate Assessment student performance is evaluated at three levels of complexity. Student achievement is reported through performance levels described as emergent, achieved and commended. Access Points are academic expectations written specifically for students with significant cognitive disabilities.)

You can enter the contest as many times as you like!  Contest winners in each category will be chosen by January of 2017, and the grand prize winner will receive an iPad Mini!

 - Each first place student winner will receive a $100 iTunes gift card.

 - Each second place winner will receive a $50 iTunes gift card.

 - Each  third place winner will receive a $25 iTunes gift card.

 - Each supporting teacher who has a winning student will be awarded a $100 Amazon gift card.

All who enter the contest will be awarded certificates of participation.

 DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES - Wednesday, November 30, 2016. 

You can submit entries anytime between now and Wednesday November 30 2016.  Be the first to submit your review!  

 How to Enter:

 - Enter On-Line at:

All data on the application form must be submitted online, but the film reviews may be submitted in hard copy braille, large print, or audio format.


Send us your recorded or written entry (in regular or large print or braille) via email or postal mail  (submissions from outside the United States are fine).  Send your entry to:

ACB-DCMP Benefits of Audio Description In Education
1703 N. Beauregard St., Suite 420
Alexandria, VA 22311  USA
phone:  202 467-5083

You will need to include these details:


Which age category? -- Sophomore (ages 7 to 10), Junior  (ages 11 to 15),  Senior (ages 16 to 21) or  Alternate Assessment.

Name of school and class or if home-schooled

School address and phone number

Name of teacher and TVI

The title of the film or video that you are reviewing

Don't forget to attach your review!  And before you submit your review, please consider our --


1. Keep it short:  250 words maximum. Tell us which specific parts of the audio description gave you the most vivid sense of what was happening in the film. How did the audio description make you feel? How did it help you learn? Which description did you like best, and which did you not like? Why?

 2. Write in the present tense.  For example:  "the main character of the film is called" or "when the film starts, he or she does this or that".

 3. Make it fun!  Just because you're writing a review doesn't mean it can't be fun to read. Make it as entertaining as possible for your readers.

4. Dish the Dirt!  Say exactly what you think (but say it well). Tell the reader whether you loved or hated the film or video but be certain to say why. The judges want to hear your personal opinion.

5. Don't tell the story.  You only have 250 words so don't waste them telling the story.  Readers only need to know the outline of the plot and a little bit about the main characters.

6. Be a reporter!  If you can, take notes while you're watching the film (write down memorable quotes, significant moments, etc.).

7. Make time.  The best reviews are written while the film is still fresh in the mind, so do try to get your ideas down as soon as possible after seeing the film. 

8. Edit!  Don't forget to re-read your review, edit it, then prepare a finished version.

9. No cheating!  Make sure your work is original and not copied from another source in any way.

10. Meet your deadline.  Even the most famous and best paid film critics in the world have to get their reviews done on time so don't forget your deadline:  Wednesday, November 30, 2016.

Good Luck!