On the top left of each page of this website, the ACB logo is stacked above the ADP logo. Both are rectangular, with primary text in dark blue on a white background.

The ACB logo consists of the letters ACB at the top left with the braille representation of those letters right below.  A vertical line separates the letters from the organization name, American Council of the Blind, beneath which are the tagline, "Together for a bright future."

The ADP logo has a similar layout; however, the letters on the left are in reverse colors:  white on a dark blue background in a small box.  The ADP uses the letters AD (for Audio Description), followed by three expanding curves representing a sound wave, followed by the P (for Project), beneath which are the braille letters for ADP.  To the right is the spelled-out name, Audio Description Project.

Each box has an underlying link taking you either to the ACB's website (in a new window) or the home page of the current ADP website.

To return to the page you came from, close this window. Some browsers will let you do this by clicking the following link: CLOSE.